As part of our 'Celebration of Singing' event, to be held on Saturday 19th March, we pay tribute to three great Directors of Music from the School’s history, who left lasting legacies that have led to the thriving Music Department that pupils benefit from today.
Our most recent Music School opened in 2005 and was named the Paul David Music School, in honour of the first ever Director of Music at Uppingham. We are now delighted that two other significant Directors of Music will be remembered. The Old Music School will be named after Robert Sterndale Bennett and the New Music School after Dr Douglas Guest.
Music is quite simply a way of life at Uppingham.
Paul David
Master of Music (Honoris Causa), Cantab.
Director of Music 1865-1908
Paul David was invited to join Uppingham by Edward Thring in 1865. Aged just 25, he sacrificed personal renown in his own country to give the School a distinction and excellence in music above any other English school in the nineteenth century.Under David’s direction, music was soon an essential part of school life: it became a timetabled subject in the 1870s with more than a third of the 300-strong School learning an instrument.
Paul David dedicated four decades to Uppingham and on his retirement, among the many tributes he received, the University of Cambridge awarded him the first honorary degree of its type. The citation read: “In the enthusiastic and successful teaching of the art of music in the schools of today no-one has set a more auspicious example for a longer time than Mr Paul David, our first Master of Music.”
Click here for the full biography
Robert Sterndale Bennett
Director of Music 1908-1945
Robert Sterndale Bennett had quite an act to follow, as his predecessor, Paul David, had created a fine reputation for music at Uppingham. However, Robert’s pedigree was well known and his musical talent, as a pianist and organist, was quickly recognised. He had an infinite capacity for detail, a great sense of humour and a high degree of patience.
His record at the School and his radio musical broadcasts to a wider audience, showed that Uppingham had a Director of distinction and music at Uppingham flourished under his tenure.
Click here for the full biography
Dr Douglas Guest
Director of Music 1945-1950
Douglas Guest became Uppingham’s third Director of Music in 1945, appointed by Martin Lloyd. He was an inspirational teacher, a brilliant organist and fine pianist. As a conductor, he was purposeful and exacting, and his command of the orchestra and choirs brought about the highest standards of performance in Chapel, school concerts and house musical events.
His distinguished work at Uppingham was recognised by the Trustees and the Headmaster, and he was held in high esteem by his pupils and colleagues. Although he and his family were very happy at Uppingham, he only stayed five years, as his ambition and achievements naturally brought him to the attention of others, keen to fill prestigious musical posts.
Click here for the full biography