We are very sorry to share the news that Geoff Frowde passed away peacefully in hospital just before Easter. He was a member of the Common Room from 1953 to1988 and a much respected and admired Housemaster of Fircroft from 1962 to 1977.
His funeral, will take place on Wednesday 15th May at 2.00pm in All Hallows' Church, Seaton, followed by refreshments in the village hall.The family have requested that those wishing to attend please inform Geoff’s daughter, Tessa Sellick, at [email protected]. Please do not contact E M Dorman as previously advised.
Please note, family flowers only. Donations, if desired, to All Hallows Church, Seaton (c/o E M Dorman, Funeral Directors, Beechcroft, 69, High Street East, Uppingham, Rutland LE15 9PY).
If you are unable to attend the service, but would like to send the family your condolences, please send a letter via the OU Office, Uppingham School, Uppingham, Rutland, LE15 9QE (FAO Mrs Tessa Sellick (née Frowde), we will be pleased to pass on communications received.